Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sister Ostlers Passed few Weeks!

Wow, saying that this week was crazy doesnt even begin to cover it!

Tuesday I went to piracicaba to get the results of my test. I was really worried that they were not going to have an answer, and that everything has just been in my head. Well, the doctor read the results of the endoscopy and I HAVE A BACTERIA!! I never thought I would be so happy to hear those words! In short this bacteria is really hard to find and I probably got it from something I ate when I first got to Brazil.  I have to take a ton of medication for it too. For 7 days I have to take 8 pills a day, then for the next 28 days I have to take one a day. I am just happy that after 5 weeks of being in pain I finally have an answer!

We have transfers tomorrow! I am staying in my area Hortaladia but getting a new companion! That means I get to lead an area and I am so excited about that! Lots of responsibility but it will be good

We had a baptism on saturday! It was so amazing and I am so happy. Daniela is amazing. 
In short the gospel is true, and it is the same all over the world! And members are amazing and support us missionaries with so much!

Much love,

Sister Ostler

New week, new transfer, new companion!

This week was a lot of knocking on doors. We had 6 investigators come to sacrament which was great but we had one of our investigators drop us which was hard. 

I have learned a lot this week! God is always there for us. I promise

My companion is great. She is from el salvador, but lived in Idaho for a while. She speaks english! She is soooo hilarious I love her

Not much else to repórt. GOd speed. 

Ate mais

Sister Ostler

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